Patio Repair

Paver and stone patios are durable and can last a lifetime.  However, this does not mean they won't ever need to be repaired.

Bluestone Patio by Apple Creek Landscaping LLC.New Bluestone Patio by Apple Creek Landscaping LLC.

Freeze thaw cycles, ground settling and water drainage can all cause bluestone and concrete pavers to shift and crack, gaps to open between stones and joints to become loose.

There are many patio repair techniques that Apple Creek Landscaping technicians utilize to refurbish existing patios and walkways.  

Repaired Round Bluestone Patio with Firepit and Boulder Retaining Wall by Apple Creek Landscaping, LLC.Repaired Round Bluestone Patio with Firepit and Boulder Retaining Wall.

We can make bluestone patios them look like new or carefully retain the patina that gives the impression that it has always been a part of your landscape.

Patios can settle over time creating trip hazards and low spots that hold water.  This can be caused by the ground subsidence or improper drainage of rain and snow melt water.

The addition of subterranean drains, retaining walls or just redirecting the water flow from downspouts can correct drainage.

This patio is located under a deck.  Years of poorly directed rainwater runoff had caused the stones to sink into the ground creating and uneven surface.  Some large bluestones had settled a foot lower than the surrounding surface.

Bluestone Patio Subsidence Repair by Apple Creek Landscaping LLC.Bluestone Patio Subsidence Repair.

The property owners were keen to retain the aged look of the patio, moss and lichen included.  They really did not want a "new" looking repair.

After the drainage issue was corrected, our technicians carefully removed the existing stones, then added a new base of small gravel.  

To level the patio surface, 2 courses of concrete paving stones were added and then the existing stones were reset.  The joints were refilled with a mixture of soil and gravel to match the existing style & encourage moss to grow.

Joint Options

The joints between the paving stones can be filled with topsoil and moss in a garden filled with native plants.  Stone dust can be used to fill joints for a classic look.

Homeowners looking for the least amount of future maintenance costs can have polymer sand installed.  When properly installed, sealed polymer sand joints can withstand many years of harsh weather without showing much wear.

Need Patio Repair?

If melting snow has revealed that your Cherry Ridge patio is looking a bit worse for wear this spring, call us for a free patio repair quote